A Few Words About Alexander Recovery
Those going through an addiction need professional treatment that will not only be based upon their unique needs and situation, but also with the help of an established and effective structure that includes foolproof methods of recovery. While you go through recovery, it’s not enough to get through withdrawal, you need a comprehensive plan that is catered to your needs and unique circumstances. Read on to see how this program will be structured as well as how it will progress.

Recovery Services
Once you have gotten through the detox process, you will move on to individual sessions with a personal counselor. Here you will work with them to create a customized and comprehensive addiction treatment program that is based on your needs. It will also include dual diagnosis screening and any necessary treatment. Almost have the people we treat at our addiction treatment centers are going through an underlying mental health illness that needs to be addressed to comprehensively heal the person and work towards holistic recovery and a fulfilling life.Group Therapy
Then you will begin group therapy in meetings at our drug rehab clinic. This is a very helpful method for recovery. The empathy and inspiration you find here will motivate you to keep going through treatment. Here you will share your story, listen to the struggles of others, and exchange meaningful advice and insightful tips on how to avoid triggers, deal with cravings, and resist temptations.
Supervised Detox
The first thing you must do after eliminating any traces of denial is go through detox in a safe and supervised manner. While your body goes through the process of expelling the harmful toxins that keep you dependent upon your drug of choice, you will experience harmful side effects. This is why we must watch over you carefully in order to ensure that you have every chance at overcoming addiction and living a fulfilling life. Detox is the foundation that your recovery is based upon. After this stage, you will move on to long-term recovery.
Aftercare Services
When you go to leave our addiction treatment facility, you won’t go alone. You will not only depart with the support and guidance of everyone you’ve met, you will leave with your addiction treatment plan intact and altered throughout to reflect your current needs. You can do this. With the right help, you can overcome your dependence on drugs or alcohol and begin living a better, happier life. Call us today to get started.
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